Mononuclear Phagocyte Biology &
Epigenetics of Cell Differentiation
Our Research

Our lab is mainly interested in mechanisms and interplay of transcription, epigenetics, and chromatin structure and we study their impact on cell biology in health and disease.

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Transcription Factors

We are using combinations of genome-wide assays and biochemistry to study how transcription factors select their binding sites in the context of nuclear chromatin.

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Epigenetics & Differentiation  

We are studying the establishiment & function of epigenetic marks in normal myeloid development and leukemia using genome-wide technologies and functional approaches.

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Genome Structure

We aim at understanding the role of cohesin and its mutations in hematopoiesis & leukemia using advanced genome-wide approaches to map the genome in three dimensions.

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Cell Therapy

We are leveraging genome-wide technologies and bioinformatics analysis to understand transcriptional networks controlling the therapeutic efficacy of regulatory T cells.


With our expertise in NGS technologies and data analysis, we are involved in various collaborative efforts and consortia on cancer, immunology and epigenetics. In addition, we ar also affiliated with the Leibniz Institute for Immunotherapy.



Without the funding from the following agencies and foundations, our research would not be possible!

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Deutsche Krebshilfe


Michael Rehli • Dept. Internal Medicine III • University Hospital
F.-J.-Strauss Allee 11 • 93053 Regensburg • Germany

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