Mononuclear Phagocyte Biology &
Epigenetics of Cell Differentiation
For Students

If you are interested in our research areas or particular projects, there are plenty of oportunities for BSc, MSc or PhD candidates to join our lab. Please contact us directly to discuss possible projects, possibilities for funding and formal requirements.

Our Methods

If you join our lab, you will mainly use cell and molecular biology methods with a special focus on NGS-based methods, including

You'll have access to Illumina sequencing systems and single-cell analysis equipment (10X Genomics). You will also have the opportunity to acquire the bioinformatics skills required to analyse your high-throughput data.

Open positions

deadline: open
PhD Thesis

We currently offer a PhD position in a DFG-funded project. We are particularly looking for candidates (MSc in Biology, Biochemistry, Molecular Medicine or related) interested in enhancer biology and the interaction of transcription factors with chromatin. Join our team!

Project background: The ETS family transcription factor PU.1 is a prototypic master regulator of the hematopoietic compartment. It has been implicated in leukemia and is required for the normal generation of several blood cell lineages. The mechanisms controlling PU.1 access to and selection of its binding sites in competition with nucleosomes and other chromatin associated proteins is only partially understood, but clearly fundamental for hematopoiesis. The PhD project is based on our published work (reference 1,2,3) and unpublished findings that implicate PU.1 binding in the organiszation of 3D chromatin architecture. We are particularly interested in interactions between the ring-shaped cohesin-complex and the hematopoietic transcription factor PU.1 to unravel the direct interplay of chromatin remodeling, loop extrusion and transcription at de novo established enhancer elements.

Methods: The project entails a broad spectrum of methods including mammalian cell culture, flow cytometry, various combinations of state-of-the-art omics approaches (ChIP, ATAC, MicroC, etc.), functional genomic techniques (CRISPR, inducible degrons, etc.) and bioinformatics.

1. Pham TH et al. (2013) Nucleic Acids Res. 41:6391-6402.
2. Minderjahn J et al. (2020) Nat Commun. 11:402.
3. Minderjahn J et al. (2022) Nat Commun. 13:4301.

deadline: open
Masters Thesis

We are always looking for motivated MSc students (Biochemistry, Molecular Medicine, Biology, or similar) to join our team. At the moment we are particularly searching for candidates interested in chromatin biology and the interaction of transcription factors with chromatin.

Michael Rehli • Dept. Internal Medicine III • University Hospital
F.-J.-Strauss Allee 11 • 93053 Regensburg • Germany

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