P-value: | 1e-21 |
ln P-value: | -4.988e+01 |
Information content per bp: | 1.630 |
Number of target sequences with motif: | 65.0 |
Percentage of target sequences with motif: | 22.57% |
Number of background sequences with motif: | 2720.3 |
Percentage of background sequences with motif: | 5.51% |
Average position of motif in targets: | 211.5 +/- 86.6bp |
Average position of motif in background: | 200.5 +/- 118.7bp |
Strand bias (log2 ratio + to - strand density): | 0.8 |
Multiplicity (# of sites on avg that occur together): | 1.08 |
Motif file: | file (matrix) reverse opposite |
PDF format logos: | forward logo reverse opposite |